J4SP – Meeting in Zagreb, Croatia

FIFTH DAY: Saturday 13th April

Placing Materials on Digital Tools

Closing ceremony

FOURTH DAY: Friday 12th April

Visit to Wind Farm Zadar 2P & 3P

Friday morning, we visited the Wind Farm in the hinterland of Zadar, Croatia. Upon arrival, we were warmly greeted by the workers, who led us to a substation where we got protective gear (you can see it in the picture  below). The views were beyond breathtaking, resulting in many photos.
We also learned a lot of things, like how the Wind Farm works, how much energy it generates, how they built it, but most importantly - how they plan to expand and guarantee sustainability

Short sightseeing tour of Zadar

After an amazing workshop in the hinterland, we arrived to the gem of Dalmatia - Zadar. We walked around the old town through a guided tour, learning a lot not only about Croatian history, but also about the history of the Roman empire and the Republic of Venice.

After an educational tour, we had what we craved the most - free time. Students engaged in various activities, eating in traditional restaurants, strolling around the city, listening to the music of the Sea Organ, the most popular modern attraction of Zadar alonside Monument to the Sun.

At sunset, we watched the most beautiful sunset in the world - according to film director, Alfred Hitchcock (and we agree with him).

THIRD DAY: Thursday 11th April

Educational and Fun Tour of Zagreb

On Wednesday, April 11th, we had a fun and educational tour of Zagreb. We started from King Tomislav Square via Strossmayer Street to Zrinjevac park, where our guests read the temperature, humidity and air pressure on the meteorological column. Then we walked along Praška Street to Ban Josip Jelačić Square, where we learned something about Diocletian's bronze coin and Manduševac well. Then we went to the Cathedral, one of the most recognizable symbols of Zagreb. We also went to Dolac, where some of our guests bought the first strawberries of the year. After that, we walked along Tkalčićeva Street, crossed the Bloody Bridge and went to the Stone Gate via Radićeva Street. We also passed the Klovićevi dvori art gallery, the Church of St. Catherine and St. Mark's square. We then strolled along the Ćirilometodska Street to the Lotrščak Tower, where we learned many interesting facts about the history of Zagreb. We went down Zakamardi's stairs and continued up Bogovićeva Street to the Flower Square. After that, we passed the French Institute on Preradovićeva Street and then the statue of Nikola Tesla on Teslina Street. We also saw the Kallina house, and our tour ended in front of the breathtaking building of the Croatian National Theatre.

The 12 challenges - Zagreb Tour:


Task 1: Presentation of the top five professions in the field of sustainable language.

Task 2: Each group has a representative of the country from which the video is from.

Students will watch the video together.

• They will take notes.

• They may ask the representative additional questions or explanations about the person interviewed.

• They will write a short written review - They will introduce the person interviewed and state what they learned.

Workshop at XVI. gimnazija Dr. Maja Parmač Kovačić

We learned how to choose our career and differences between two types of careers: (traditional and proteane). The groups, after the speech had to do a plan about our personnal strengths and weaknesses and short/long term goals.

Davorka Franić: Ecological Beekeeping

Prof. Davorka Franić is a organic beekeeper and she presented us her ways of helping the bees. 🐝 Organic beekeeping is a way to get the honey without harming the bees and keeping them in the best possible environment and natural habitat. It prevents the bees from going extinct. They are one of the most important animals in the ecosystem because they produce honey and wax while spreading the pollen.  

SECOND DAY: Wednesday 10th April

Visit to the ZMAG Association (Green Network of Activist Groups (ZMAG) - workshops for students 

Green Network of Activist Groups (ZMAG) is an organization that brings together organic gardeners and practitioners of eco-building in order to promote a new and a more sustainable way of living. ZMAG's main objective is to develop and promote permaculture, ecological knowledge and skills which are important for sustainable living and improvement of the overall quality of life.


    We made our own lip balms using beeswax, coconut oil and shea butter. This taught us the importance of using organic products instead of chemical ones. We used ingredients such as cinnamon, mint and cocoa to make our lip balms unique and scented.  
    During the workshop, we went through the practical basics of bushcraft, after which we acquired basic knowledge of making shelters, lighting a fire, setting up camp and other skills necessary for fun and safe camping. The workshop started off with the explanation of the basic tools needed for our camping experience. Our equipment consisted of: knives, two hand saws, a compass, biodegradable napkins, matches, rope and firesteel. We learned how to sharpen knives and axes, how to find branches suited for tent making as well as starting a fire.  


Workshop at XVI.gimnazija with French psychologist Lydia Viscardi

FIRST DAY: Tuesday 9th April

Opening ceremony at XVI. gimnazija

Getting to know each other activities between students and quizzes on sustainable development.

Presentation of the top five professions in the field of sustainability:

Going to the Zoo - two workshops on the topic of professions related to sustainable development

Walk around Maksimir Park

At the ZOO, we had a tour about endangered species and learned the importance of zoos around the world and their role in serving as a "bank" for different types of animals. That means that if a certain specie is completely wiped out in the wild, the zoos might be able to reproduce them and reintroduce them to the wild. 


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