High School G. EIFFEL



About 240 students and  20 teachers. Lessons mainly between 8:40-14:10. Materials and laptops are free for everybody.
Free lunch for all the students.

Studying in Paimion lukio:
- School year is devided in 6 periods (or 5 periods)

- Last week in each period is for exams, all exams are done on computers

- 1 course lasts 1 period, usually 5 courses in period for students.

- 1 course has 3 x 75 minutes lessons and 1 x 45 min lesson in a week.

To graduate from highschool you’ll have to pass 75 courses (45-51 of them are compulsory) and pass the Finals. 

Students have to pass at least 5 subjects in Finals (matriculation exemination). Finnish language and literature is compulsory. 



XVI. gimnazija is a reputable grammar school that offers, in its curriculum, humanistic and social, as well as natural sciences; all of which are obligatory and are an exceptional preparation for further studies. The students of our school are achievers who successfully continue their education.

There are around 560 students aged 14-19 and 60 teachers. Along with the national Croatian curriculum, the school has a bilingual English-Croatian program where most subjects are taught in English, in one bilingual class per year and generation.


The majority of students in this school are orientated towards learning foreign languages. Learning English is obligatory for every student in our school, and they also have to choose their mandatory second foreign language (German, Italian, French or Spanish). Thus, after finishing XVI. gimnazija, its average student takes great pride in the knowledge of at least three foreign languages (English and the other two languages), but is as equally impressed by the knowledge they have gained in all other subjects.


The subjects studied throughout all four years are Croatian, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History, Fine Arts, Music, P.E., English as the first foreign language and a second mandatory modern language (German, Spanish, Italian or French). ICT is studied in grade ten, Psychology, Sociology, and Logic in grade eleven, and Philosophy, Politics and Economics in the final grade. Optional subjects are Religious studies or Ethics.



National High School in Finance and Business (NHSFB)
School in numbers:

- 986 students
- 37 classes
- 73 teachers
- 5 languages 

Vocational education, 3rd degree (the highest possible for secondary school in Bulgaria )

Professions and specialties:
 - Economist  
- Economist (informatics)
- Accountant  

NHSFB has been an innovative school since 2017. Our latest innovation is about sustainability in schools and businesses. The topic is implemented in the learning content of most of the subjects and a main focus in the projects we work on.
Our students successfully take part in numerous competitions such as "Young Economist", European Statistics Competition, "Best Business Idea", international fairs of educational enterprises, school sports championships etc.

At school we have many clubs and extracurricular activities: debates, school newspaper " robotics, "The language of numbers" club, volunteer club, EXCELerate, school newspaper "Hermes", musical band and many more. We strive to develop students' interests as well as discover new ones!

Presentation about school:

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